Our Curriculum

At Magen Israel, we employ curricula that are well-researched and at the cutting edge of the education field.

Judaic Studies
Tefilla: Our connection to Hashem is an integral part of theMagen Israel day. Our Tefilla course focuses on teaching the meaning of the daily Tefillot in an engaging and succinct manner. We employ, Ani Tefillah, an interactive davening curriculum to bring prayer life. The Ani Tefillah "Stop, Think, Feel" approach and Niflaos Haboreh videos make Hashem a real presence in the child's life. Jewish melodies and niggunim are incorporated into tefillot to familiarize the student with praying in a shul setting. While the classes follow the Edut Mizrachi Nusach, students are encouraged to observe their family minhagim and daven with their own siddurim.
Lashon Hakodesh: Chumash Bereishit contains just over three hundred words unique to Lashon Hakodesh. These words present themselves throughout the Chumash many times in different forms assuming one or more of the twenty-seven prefixes and suffixes found in Lashon Hakodesh. The Lashon Hatorah program, developed by Rabbi J. Rietti of Breakthrough Chinuch, helps the child become an independent translator of the Hebrew language through mastery of the shorashim and suffixes. A strong foundation in these three hundred words ensures a successful journey of Chumash study throughout the coming school years.
Halacha: Our Halacha curriculum focuses on halachot that are relevant to children. The Daily Halacha program not only teaches the body of the halacha but opens the discussion for practical application of the material. We work on mastering mitzvot through hands-on practice.
Kriah: Mastering the Aleph-Bet is key to a successful Jewish education. It is a foundation upon which a student’s entire future Torah-learning career is built. The highly acclaimed Aleph Champ system uses contemporary approaches to support the age-old mesorah based on the principles of Kabbala. Taking inspiration from martial arts, Hebrew reading skills are divided into ten levels categorized by colors. Moving up a level is Aleph Champ is a source of pride for students which makes them self-motivated to succeed. Students receive daily one-on-one practice time with their teachers, enabling each child to reach their maximum capacity.
Chumash: We employ the cutting-edge L'havin U'lehaskil. L’havin U’lehaskil is a Hebrew language-skills-based primary school Judaic curriculum approach in which Jewish children across the religious spectrum learn to decode Torah verses on their own. The program carries students all through elementary school.
Rich graphics and illustrations present the material in an appealing manner that brings the learning to life and builds textual comprehension. The system incorporates decoding, recognition, and review embedded into an actual Chumash providing students with the skills necessary to become independent learners.
Parsha and Chagim: The Jewish calendar and the weekly Parsha are an integral part of our curriculum. Hands-on activities enhance the material and bring the Torah to life. Whether it’s a live on-site petting zoo for Parshat Noach or a Model Matzah Bakery before Pesach, our students enjoy interactive and memorable learning experiences throughout the year.

General Studies
Our dynamic curriculum maintains the highest standards of study through a comprehensive and interactive general studies program. Closely following the standards and programs of the Great Neck Public Schools, our curriculum offers each student the very best secular education has to offer, preparing them for higher education and beyond. We strive to instill in our students the skills and confidence to become life-long learners.
General Studies
Mathematics: Magen Israel Schools general studies curriculum follows the standards and programs of the Great Neck Public School System. Our school is proud to provide our students with the very best in arithmetic instruction through the GO Math!® Curriculum for Grades K-8. Math instruction is always evolving, with new approaches to pedagogy, engagement, and technology. GO Math!® meets students and teachers on their math journey, raising student achievement scores and supporting teachers along the way.
Language Arts: Wonders, a comprehensive PreK–6 literacy solution, is designed to meet the challenges of today’s classroom and reach all learners. A wealth of research-based print and digital resources provide unmatched support for building strong literacy foundations, accessing complex fiction and nonfiction texts, writing to sources, and building social-emotional learning skills. Whether in the core classroom, an English language learner, or benefiting from intervention support, Wonders provides students equity of access to rich texts and rigorous instruction.
Designed by the same author team across K–8, GO Math! incorporates the latest thinking in its comprehensive approach and engages digital natives with cross-platform technology. It helps students differentiate instruction, building and reinforcing foundational math skills that translate from the classroom to real life. GO Math! has been rigorously tested in the classroom, and the results, complemented by the Harvard University Center for Educational Policy study, show significant achievement gains by students of schools who utilize the program.